Disc Spring Geometry

Performance of a disc spring under deflection 

Disc springs are conical ring elements (washers), so when they can resist pressure is because they are under axial compression force and change of form. Approximately it might be assumed that the rectangular section of the disc rotates around its central axis so it stores elastic energy compressing the superior surfaces and extending the lowers.

This consideration is based on the equations that describe this fact and were developed in the 30’s by two engineers of General Motors, Almen and Lászlo. These equations are also the mathematical foundations of the DIN 2092 rule that covers the aspects of calculation of disc springs.

Here we can also see information about the rule that production of the springs DIN 2093 requires:

DIN 2093


Compared to other type of springs, the main characteristic of the disc spring is that it suffers little deflections under big loads. But if you want bigger deflections, they are easier to get because of their facility on series production. In that case, we get a spring with the required strength providing us a major spring circuit if it’s necessary.

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